5 tips for creating good portrait photography
Professional portrait photography is one of the most demanded photography areas nowadays. Even in the past, popular art painters such as Picasso have practiced portraits with a special nod to storytelling. Today, portrait photography is the modern equivalent of that technique because it delivers very vivid images.
Portrait photography can be done through different areas and approaches, and it is most commonly asked for all types of photoshoots. So, in this article we will explain everything you need to know about this particular branch of professional photography.
What is portrait photography?
The essence of portrait photography is to capture the main attributes of the subject in the photograph. The best results come as a result of mixing the right technique alongside the artist’s expression. It is done by using a technique and a special camera setting that focuses on composition, angles, lighting, poses, and more.
The true essence behind portrait photography is to deliver an exquisite and original portrait that will trigger certain feelings and attract attention. With all of the above mentioned, this involves more than just snapping pictures. It is about following certain steps and rules, that with an artistic approach, will deliver a good photograph.
Portrait photography tips
Portrait photography is a form of art, and as such, there are certain steps you can follow in order to get the best possible results out of the photoshoot. Here are 5 professional portrait tips you should know:
1. Focusing on the subject

The subject is the centerpiece of portrait photography and it is the most important aspect of it. When the subject is comfortable, it results in engaging, attractive and successful images.
Since the main focus falls directly on the subject, it is important that there is a nice, friendly, and good communication and relationship between the photographer and the portrait subject. This type of connection will be highly beneficial for the photoshoot and give successful results.
2. Finding the right location
The right location is another essential aspect in good portrait photographs. Most commonly, the outdoor locations are a far better choice than the indoor ones, because they carry a different vibe. Being outside with the natural light provides far better results, but at the same time, it does pose certain challenges. Of course, the weather might be an obstacle, but the background is definitely worth it.
3. Posing right
Finding the most flattering pose will deliver excellent portrait photography. This type of pose should complement the face, and especially important is to keep the lighting in mind. The camera angle here will play a crucial role, and the background will only add to the beauty of the photograph.
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4. Candid expressions
This is not just a trend, but it is an original way to achieve unique portrait photographs. And this is also a suitable option for those who are not comfortable with posing. This can especially ruin a family portrait for example, when the children are expected to pose and look more formal. Genuine smiles, confident expressions, and casual movements are something that will elevate the picture to a new level.
5. The background matters

Although the focus in portrait photography falls on the subject, the background is very important in completing the final image. Sometimes, an interesting background can add a bit of drama to the photographs and help the subject stand out and dominate.
This can be successfully done with the help of a blurred background. So, if you are looking to have portrait photography taken of you, these are some useful tips that can help you do your part in the photo shoot process.
As a model and object that will have the center focus in the photoshoot, you are the one expected to look good and deliver a certain vibe that will result in successful photographs. Portrait photography is very popular and trending now, and it does deliver a different type of photography than traditional photography.
At Jacky Reuter, you experience the best portrait photography photoshoot. The secret to achieving a successful photo session is the connection with the photographer and you as a subject.
That is why, as specialized professionals, we offer appointments that will help you and the photographer get the best out of the portrait photography session. With high-quality equipment and a skilled team, your portrait will show you in a fresh and interesting light.
In Jacky Reuter we can capture the art within the best moments of your life. If you need professional photography and films crafted with care and attention to detail, please don’t hesitate to contact us through our contact page.